
Moziware® Teams Up With Telepresenz® To Launch New Pocket Connected Worker

Moziware® Teams Up With Telepresenz® To Launch New Pocket Connected Worker

Moziware® today announced a new partnership that combines their lightweight pocket-sized hands-free wearable CIMO (pronounced ‘see-more’) with Telepresenz® integrated connected worker solutions. Immediately available are Telepresenz Connected Worker and Remote Operations bundled with CIMO.

Telepresenz have further developments on the horizon, including a new field led Knowledge Capture and Training solution that protects loss of knowledge being caused by ‘the great crew change’.

Bo Li, co-founder and CEO of Moziware Technology, highlighted the significance of the partnership by saying,

“Telepresenz excites us with their easy to use fully functional platform that delivers digital transformation to mobile field workers across a wide range of industry use cases. They bring practical know-how with real-world experience and consultative support that’s easy to consume.”

Telepresenz® CRO and Head of Global Strategic Partnerships Ritesh Tolia, responded with,

“With CIMO, we now have a lightweight, rugged, voice-controlled wearable that’s affordable, easy to use and it fits in your pocket or in the palm of your hand! It’s perfect for Utilities, MRO, Manufacturing and Emergency Services, where customers can get a pocket powered wearable for just $50 a month when they subscribe to Telepresenz®”

Ritesh advises the launch of their CIMO based Pocket Connected Worker solutions commences at partner events across Australia and New Zealand late July, with plans to continue launching across the world in the coming months. Email sales@telepresenz.com for more details.

For more information on Moziware Technology, contact at sales@moziware.us

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